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Social Networking App Design




  • Clickable Hi-Fi prototype of app design

  • Stakeholder presentation with proposed business partnerships



UX Designer and Researcher



Christiaan Montgomery

Jessica Chin



Completed over a 2 week period



Sketch, Figma, inVision

As a team of UX designers, we wanted to explore the emotional effects of how users are impacted by social media engagement.

​ is a social media app for professional creatives that focuses on networking and it showcases a creative user's portfolio, resume and events 





Problem Space

“If you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, then you are using it wrong.” 

― Germany Kent, Journalist and Author

UX Design Process

  • Topic Mapping
  • Screener Survey
  • User Interviews
  • Affinity Mapping
  • User Persona
  • Journey Map
  • Problem Statement
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Design Studio
  • MoSCoW Map
  • Mid-Fi Wireframes
  • Mid-Fi Usability Testing
  • Hi-Fi Prototype
  • Company Partnership

Research Methodology


Screener Survey​


24 participants


User Interviews​


7 participants


Affinity​ Mapping


6 Key Insights


Key insights from user interviews,  translated in to "I" statements:


  • I use social media for professional networking

  • I like to scroll through posts rather than comment on them 

  • I am inspired by see what others are posting

  • I use social media to create and maintain connections







For our study, we focused on users who engage with content on social media apps, who vary in age, gender, and their frequency of use.

User Persona + Problem Statement



  • Maintain and engage with professional connections

  • Filter her feed to display posts relevant to her current need


Pain Points

  • Distracting feeds that are not relevant to her current objective


  • Uses posts from other photographers to gain inspiration 

  • Scrolls through feeds instead of commenting on posts



  • Grow a professional network

  • Maximize time on social media to engage in content that matters



"Social media connects me to people who are significant" 

Piper | 30 yrs old

Freelance Photographer



People use social media to make/maintain connections, find new opportunities, and for entertainment.



Due to Piper’s distracting social media feed, she finds it difficult to focus on her professional goal at hand



How might we help maximize her time on social media so she can engage with content that matters to her?



Journey Map

In order to focus on design opportunities, we plotted our user's emotional journey while looking for inspiration on Instagram. abbreviated journey map .png

UX Design Opportunity

Competitive Landscape

We examined the current social media landscape to look at current networking apps for creative professionals and for potential market entry points.


Product Focus

  • General vs Specialized 



  • Content vs Communication 


Based on data from user research, it was found that there is a unique space in the social media landscape that can solve the needs of our primary persona:


  • Professional networking 

  • Filter content quickly 

  • Inspirational content



Feature Prioritization


Should Have​

  • Video Diary/Stories

  • Multiple Accounts

  • Job Search


Must Have​

  • Photos/Videos​

  • Professional Networking

  • Follow Others

  • Posting

  • Private Messaging

  • CV/Resume Upload

  • Private Commenting



Could Have​

  • Live Feed 

  • Explore Page



Won't Have

  • Invitations

  • Meet Up Events

  • Geolocating API



We then created a MoSCoW Map to guide us with feature prioritization in designing the first app iteration.   All features listed are needed by the user and are to be implemented at some point, but in interest of time it was critical that some features were prioritized over others. 

Design Methodology


Design opportunities distilled from research + synthesis


  • Focus on professional networking 

  • Filter content quickly before the user becomes distracted

  • Connect an artist's profile to other inspirational content

Design Studio

Design Studio


Initial Sketches



Mid-Fi Prototype

Mid-Fidelity Prototype​


Usability Testing​

Hi Fi Prototype

Hi-Fidelity Prototype​


Design Improvements​


Design Solution 

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  • Social media app for professional creatives

  • Showcases a creative user's portfolio, resume, and events

  • A focus on connecting with other creative professionals

Log In Screen

Mid-Fidelty Prototype

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes​​

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Save Image Screen

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Save to Album Screen

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User Connect

Profile Screen

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User Connect

Event Screen

Mid-Fidelity Usability Testing

Usability testing was conducted on the mid-fi prototype to test for functionality of key features.


Task 1 

Filter your feed for photography posts and then save the first street photo you find.


Task 2

Connect with this photographer by saving his upcoming event and sending him a message.

Mid-Fi Prototype

Task 1
3/3 users were able to filter for photography posts and  save the photo to an album

Task 2


3/3 users were able to connect with another user by saving his upcoming event and sending him a message

Hi-Fidelity Delivery 

Design Improvements

Based on user data from the mid-fidelity usability tests, several design improvements were implemented in to the high-fidelity iteration.



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Save Image Screen Mid-Fi

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Save Image Screen Hi-Fi

Save/Calendar Iconography

  • The save and calendar icons were changed to more recognizable icons


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User Profile Screen


User Profile Screen


Events/Connections Dropdowns

  • The events and connections dropdown menus were moved to the top of the user profile page, to ensure that users would not mistaken them for their own


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User Event Screen


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User Event Screen


Events Menu

  • The heart icon was changed to a more recognizable bookmark icon

  • Events were divided into Past and Upcoming Events


 App Features




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Filter Bar

Home Screen

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Tag Management

User Profile

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Resume/CV Upload

User Profile

Hi-Fidelity Prototype

Hi-Fi Prototype

Company Partnership 

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Potential Company Partnership: Instagram


Reasoning: Over 1 billion users worldwide. Allow for image/video sharing, video diaries, all inherently important to's primary user.   




Next Steps

App Revisions

  • Hi-Fidelity Usability Testing 

  • Onboarding for new users in regards to "tag" functionality

  • Improved Event Functionality

  • Improved Professional Networking Functionality

    • Job Search Function​

  • Premium Service Offerings​

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